How long does Zanaflex stay in your system?

Zanaflex is a well-known brand for muscle spasm but a question that always arises is that How long does it stay in your system?

In this article we will explain what shelf and half-life of Zanaflex is which can help you to understand how long it takes to stay in your system.

What is Zanaflex?

Zanaflex is a brand name version for drug Tizanidine. it is widely used to treat muscle spasm and muscle aches caused by other medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury. it works by blocking the action of alpha 1 and alpha 2 receptors to provide relief from spasmolytic action.

What is half-life of Zanaflex?

Half-life of Zanaflex is 2.5 hrs. which means it takes around 5 hrs. to get it reduced to 100%. However, it is important to note that some traces of Zanaflex can still be found after this period in your body.

How long does Zanaflex stay in your system?

How long does Zanaflex stay in your system?
How long does Zanaflex stay in your system?

To be precise Zanaflex can stay for around 3-5 days in your system. however, it is important to note that Zanaflex is only active or can only show its action within timeframe of 1-6 hrs. of its administration.

After this period Zanaflex gets out of blood and remain in the urine only where it can be detected for at least 3-5 days.

It is also essential for you to understand that elimination of Zanaflex from the body also depend on the various other factors such as age, metabolism rate, underlying disease or conditions, and kidney or liver disease.

How to remove Zanaflex quickly from your system?

Although it is very difficult to accelerate excretion of any drug it is still possible that there are some ways by which you can remove unabsorbed drug.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal, commonly used medicine to treat poison cases. it removes any kind of unabsorbed drug from your stomach. if you believe you have taken higher dose of Zanaflex then you should take Activated charcoal only under guidance of professional healthcare service provider.

Drink Lot of Water

Another easiest and well-established way to get rid of any drug quickly is drink lot of water. it can generate lot of urine causing metabolized drug to be eliminated quickly.


In conclusion, Zanaflex can be found for 3-5 days in your blood test. however, after 6 hours it does not have any pharmacological effect.